4 October - 9 November, 2003
Lars Bohman Gallery
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Galleri Lars Bohman is proud to present a new exhibition by the Swedish artist Dan Wolgers. In this, his seventh exhibition at the gallery, he will show a series of new sculptures.

Dan Wolgers is one of Sweden’s most esteemed and controversial contemporary Swedish artists. In 2002 he was awarded the prestigious, annual Major Grant Award from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee, with the following motivation: ‘Dan Wolgers’s art is characterised by great integrity and intelligence, while at the same time it is filled with playfulness, humour and absurd ideas. He questions and analyses, and his art becomes a distorting mirror of our human weaknesses, of the unreasonable and unexpected in the everyday. At the same time there is much seriousness in his art. He dares to challenge and find artistic expressions that can provoke intellectually and emotionally. Dan Wolgers has influenced and continues to be a major influence for a younger generation of artists.’

Dan Wolgers describes the current exhibition thus:

‘When all is said and done, gravity is the only thing worth bothering about. What would everything be without gravity? Emptiness! What is weightlessness - praised by everyone in a feeble and badly-played love song - compared to gravity? Continually it awakes people to their corporeal love meetings with the world – violent, crushing, bloody. Around us slumber all things faithfully to earth. In secret, the earth and the objects kiss each other, but only in three places – never more than three places. Serene, silent, eternal.’

Dan Wolgers was born in 1955 in Stockholm, where he lives and works. He attended the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Stockholm (1980-85) where he was also professor from 1995-98.

He is represented at, among others, Moderna Museet, Stockholm. Malmö Konstmuseum, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki and at the Fredrik Roos Nordic Collection, Sweden.